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Навчальний посібник «Grammar in the context of applied linguistics: practical aspects = Граматика у контексті прикладної лінгвістики».
Авторський колектив – викладачки кафедри іншомовної освіти і міжкультурної комунікації Ольга Лапшина (канд. пед. наук, доц.), Наталя Бідюк (д-р пед. наук, проф., завідувачка кафедри), Олена Дорофєєва (канд. філол. наук, доц.), Ірина Коваль (канд. психол. наук, доц.) та ін.

Grammar and Applied Linguistics in Context………………………………..3
Chapter 1. The Foundations of Grammar and Applied Linguistics
1.1. Defining Grammar and Applied Linguistics,
Their Key Concepts and Principles…………..7
1.2. Exploring the Historical Development of Grammar and Applied Linguistics and Their Evolution over Time…………………11
1.3. Discussing How Grammar and Applied Linguistics have Influenced Each Other…………………13
Chapter 2. Grammar and Second Language Acquisition (SLA)
2.1. Examining How Insights from Applied Linguistics have Shaped Our Understanding of How Learners
Acquire Grammar in a Second Language……………19
2.2. Discussing the Role of Input, Interaction and Cognitive Processes in Grammar Acquisition………23
2.3. Highlighting Case Studies that Illustrate Effective Grammar Teaching Strategies Informed by SLA Research…26
Chapter 3. The Role of Grammar in Communication
3.1. Investigating the Interplay between Grammar and Effective Communication……….31
3.2. Exploring the Concept of Communicative Competence and How it Relates to Grammatical Accuracy….34
3.3. Discussing the Impact of Grammatical Errors on Message Clarity and Interpretation………39
Chapter 4. Grammar Instruction and Pedagogical Applications
4.1. Analyzing the Practical Implications of Applied Linguistics Theories for Grammar Instruction……43
4.2. Presenting Diverse Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching Grammar, such as Communicative and Task-Based Methods………47
4.3. Showcasing Classroom Examples that Demonstrate the Successful Integration of Applied Linguistics Principles in Grammar Lessons ….50
Chapter 5. Language Variation, Grammar and Sociolinguistics 5.1. Examining the Influence of Sociolinguistic Factors on Grammar Usage…………………..57
5.2. Exploring How Language Variation, Dialects and Registers Impact Grammar Choices in Different Contexts………..60
5.3. Discussing the Role of Applied Linguistics in Fostering Understanding and Tolerance of Linguistic Diversity…..62
Chapter 6. Technology, Grammar and Language Learning
6.1. Investigating the Role of Technology
in Grammar Instruction and Language Learning…..67
6.2. Discussing the Challenges and Opportunities Presented by Technology in Teaching and Learning Grammar…71
Chapter 7. Grammar and Professional Communication
7.1. Analyzing the Importance of Grammatical Accuracy in Professional Contexts…………81
7.2. Discussing How Applied Linguistics Informs the Design of Specialized Language Training Programmes
for Various Professions…86
Chapter 8. The Future of Grammar and Applied Linguistics
8.1. Reflecting on Current Trends and Future Directions in Both Grammar Studies and Applied Linguistics………….95
8.2. Discussing Emerging Research Areas, such as the Impact of Globalization and Digital Communication on Grammar……………102
8.3. Considering How Advancements in Linguistic Research will Continue to Shape Language Instruction and Communication… 105
Synthesis and Implications……………….111
Recommended Readings, References and Resources for Further Exploration…..114
Навчальний посібник «Advanced English (practical course) = Практичний курс англійської мови».
Авторський колектив – викладачі кафедри германської філології та перекладознавства Юлія Бойко (д-р філол. наук, проф., завідувачка кафедри), Юлія Давидюк (канд. філол. наук, доц.), Юлія Купчишина (канд. філол. наук, доц.), Оксана Сєргєєва (канд. пед. наук, доц.), Олена Мацюк (канд. пед. наук, доц.), Денис Дмитрошкін.

Unit 1. Success and Achievements
Lesson 1 …………….5
Lesson 2 ………..27
Unit 2. Growing Concerns: Crime and Punishment
Lesson 1 ………………..41
Lesson 2 ………..59
Unit 3. Economic Life
Lesson 1 ………..77
Lesson 2 ……..95
Unit 4. Politics, Politicians and Rulers
Lesson 1 ……115
Lesson 2 ……….135
Unit 5. The World of Technology
Lesson 1 ………161
Lesson 2 ……….176
Tests for Self-Control …………191
Supplement A. Glossary …….204
Видання також представлені в краєзнавчій БД “Праці викладачів Хмельницького національного унiверситету”.